Tuesday 11 June 2019

Employee Engagement

Employee Engagement

   Figure 01

Employee Engagement can define as the commitment towards organization's work which created employees's through motivation to achieve  high level of performances (Armstrong, 2012) 

As per the Armstrong there are two elements of employee engagement 

01. Job Engagement  : Refers to feeling positive about the job
02. Organizational engagement : Refers to Positive impression by employees towards the organization and its values 

According to Whittngton (2017) Employee engagement has a positive and significant effect on organizations. 

                                              Figure 02

As per the Armstrong (2017) Employee engagement helps to organization in a way reducing employee turnover, Enhancing productivity and increasing profitability by giving high  responsibilities to non managers

Figure 03

  • Armstrong, M. (2012). Armstrong's Handbook of Management and Leadership - Developing Effective People Skills for Better Leadership and Management. London: Kogan Page, pp.147-159.
  • Armstrong, M. (2017). Armstrong's Handbook of Human Resource Management Practice. 12th ed. London: Kogan Page, pp.136-152.
  • CIPD (2012). Managing for sustainable employee engagement. [online] 151 The Broadway London. UK: Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development. Available at: https://www.cipd.asia/knowledge/reports/engagement-management-guide [Accessed 5 Jul. 2012].
  • Whittington, L., Meskelis, S., Asare, E. and Beldona, S. (2017). Enhancing Employee Engagement. New York: Palgrave Macmillan, pp.98-107.

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